Mediaengineering | 3D-Realtime | XR
TV-Interview XR - Media University Stuttgart
Virtualproduction Research Project - Media University Stuttgart
Teamlead Content, Supervision of the 3D-Realtime content, Consulting Unreal-Workflow
XR - for Neumann&Müller digitalmedia:
Red Bull Levels - Elden Ring Gameplay Preview
Supervision of the XR-Workflow, Consulting Unreal-Developers, Disguise-XR operation while live show
XR - for Neumann&Müller digitalmedia: European Inventor Award 2021 by the European Patent Office
Supervision of the XR-Workflow, Consulting Unreal-Developers, Disguise-XR operation while live show
XR - for Neumann&Müller digitalmedia: Marketing-Trailer with XR components
Sceneoptimazation and customation UE, Disguise-XR operation
XR - for Neumann&Müller digitalmedia: Digital-Gipfel des BMWi 2020
Sceneoptimazation and customation Notch and Cinema4D, Disguise-XR operation in studio 1, two days live (each arround 5h)
XR - for Neumann&Müller digitalmedia: Bosch Rexroth
Scenebuilding Notch and Cinema4D, Disguise-XR operation - two live shows
XR - Extended Reality w/ Notch, Unreal and disguise - Neumann&Müller
Overall Workflow R&D, Disguiseoperation, Scenebuilding Notch and Cinema4D
Ekstase (2020) - Media University Stuttgart
Directing, TD, Texturing/ Shading, Rendering, Compositing